Sunday, December 28, 2014

Dec 28/14 - Snowing Again But Getting Cold

Good Morning Sledders!

Snowing last night lightly - only a few cms but this morning looks like we will get the full 5cm or more than forecasted.  But temps are -5 headed to -20's by tomorrow.  Supposed to keep snowing until then and then a few days of cold -teens temps and sun and then back into the snow flurries and low -teens again for the weekend.

Crytal, Bev and Clint headed out this morning and we will get an excellent report from them (The Betties) when they return so I should have some more info for you tonight.

Beware the new snow - we have about 80cm average total and about 30cms of that is fairly new snow since Christmas.  Watch wind loaded slopes and terrain traps until this all settles a bit.

I have the Divide cabin open Jan 5th  through the next two weeks and I have the Flathead cabin open Jan 12th - 18th if you are looking to hit the new snow! Cheers and fun riding! - V

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