Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Nov 11/14 - Remembrance Day Light Flurries

Good Morning on this Remembrance Day - we are proud Canadians and so grateful for those who gave their service and came home and those who did not come home - we are so very thankful and for the their sacrifice and for accomplishing their goal which is our freedom today.

I was away in Lethbridge all day and evening but roads were really good actually.  Everyone drove conservatively and visibility was good.  It was really cold though!   Today we have anywhere from 6-15cm of snow, some of it on the level and some moved around from wind.  Temps are supposed to stay in the -20 range for tonight and then lift.  Sun is in the forecast daily with temps now rising to -5 or zero depending on which side of the Divide you are on.   Snowing very lightly today but supposed to pick up a bit tonight with a few more flurries and cms and then drop off with no new snow in the forecast after tonight for the rest of the week.

Have had a few calls on the Summit Cabin over Christmas/New Years time slot.  Nothing booked yet.  Our previous guys would book it from the 22nd to the 27th and then our next group would book from the 27th to the 4th.  First time it has been open in 8 years.

Had some bookings from Saskatchewan today....zacstracs.com will be in the Regina area around Dec 1st for AST (Avalanche Snowmobile Training) - good night of info and training.  Check out their website.  If you are interested in the Timbersleds - Shawn is in Saskatoon and his website is www.timbersled.ca and Rhonda Down of the TheBetties.ca is in the new Thunderstruck 13 video!  The Betties have a ride in Elkford hosted by Rhonda and the girls - it is a lot of fun and a safe environment for any level rider to learn something new, enjoy chewing the fat with other female riders and there are tons of prizes and an excellent meal and dance later that night!  Check it out and put it on your list....oh and you can bring your guy to sled with ya too but its all about you!

Everyone heat up the garages, go through your sled and gear!  Its coming!!! Also the Idaho sled show is on this weekend coming up.  A bunch of guys head down from Cranbrook every year and said it is a blast! Cheers! -V

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