Friday, March 29, 2013
Mar 29/13 - Fernie, Rain Gauge & Our Trail
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Mar 23/13 - Report from Guests etc
Hi - thought I would update you on my reports from other riders and guests. Rain Gauge has been thoroughly ridden out by the Sask guys! The Ski Doo 2014 demo ride has one more day down the Flathead and they have all been a few places too. The Pipeline is rough with a few sketchy creek crossings (they have been open most of the year but they are MORE open now lol) but three peaks past the Notch the snow was at least a foot deep in Fresh snow and three feet deep in places UNRIDDEN. Wind had affected certain slopes leaving others that were protected in beautiful shape they said. Trail is holding up here and the Flathead is rough the first 5km but not as bad as it was and of course continues to improve the further you head south. Fernie got 40cm of snow over the past two days from most reports. It stayed -1 here and was really cold over night last night so that is good. Read your avy reports and be aware of changes in the snow over the course of the day. Still getting glowing reviews from the owners of new Ski Doos and Polaris. I sure loved riding that Cat of Rhonda's too. Technology is sure improving riding styles - kinda the way short skiis do for old knees! Keepin you in the game and the young crowd just looks amazing on them! Cheers - V
Friday, March 22, 2013
Mar 22/13 - 10cm overnight
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Mar 20/13 - Test Ride the Doo in Rain Gauge
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Mar 19/13 - Jackson Hole Hill Climb
Afternoon Sledders, it is -1 here and it was -18 well into the morning. Snow is holding up in the yard. Just a note that the Jackson Hole Hill Climb is this weekend I believe. That is a fun town. Also the Ski Doo Demo days have been going on all over the place and they are in Corbin starting tomorrow morning and through the weekend. We only have the Summit Log cabin available for this weekend and next weekend we only have the Divide cabin available. We have some cabins booked during the next few weeks too. We will be shutting down the cabins April 15th this year and heading off on vacation while our family babysits the resort so if you want the cabins one last time this season give me a call. It isn't a reflection on the riding - just on what time we could get away. I will post photos tomorrow from the alpine so you can see what the conditions are like. Cheers - V
Monday, March 18, 2013
Mar 18/13 - Snowing Steady
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Mar 17/13 - Evening update on Snowfall
Mar 17/13 - Happy St Patricks Day Snow Storm!
Friday, March 15, 2013
Mar 15/13 - Weather Report on Avy Bulletin
Hey Gang looks like we have a bit of daily snow in the forecast for the next week. A cm here, a cm there but Sunday says 5-10cm. Temps down here were +8 today but if you look at the avalanche bulletin for South Rockies you can see what we saw when riding up in the alpine. Apline temps are -5 to -7. Snow above 6000ft. Rain and mixed precipitation below that. You have to check out what the temps are doing in the alpine because it can be very different than what you see on your truck rear view mirror gauge at valley road level. Look up as you are driving into the mountains don't fret over seeing grass in the ditch. Not always is that an accurate representation of what you are in for a few thousand feet above that. I am hoping that more people are using the avy bulletins as more of a reference for weather forecasts/observations than just what the current avalanche rating is at different elevations. There's a ton of info in there and links to forecaster's blogs to explain their reasoning too. I am starting to give in to those negative thoughts that maybe this is it for our commercial sledding season but hey anything can happen and has before - Until then it is spring riding conditions. Be assured I will tell it like I see it but I hope you use a few resources to make your destination decisions than just the weather app on your phone - and I mean if you are coming here or any other place. Cheers - V
Mar 15/13 - +8 Clear Skies
Hellooooo! Okay we have had +10 yesterday and 15 mins away ran into -5 and -7 all the way to Lethbridge to return home to +8 still in the evening here and Fernie was -4 last night so inversion happening. Today it is clear skies and +8 with snow melting (with some sanding assistance) in our yard. I haven't been on our trail in a few days but I am going to just say start thinking about just trailering and saving your aching muscles for riding the bowls instead. BUT IF YOU WANT SNOW....GO TO SASKATCHEWAN! Seriously it is a full on blizzard at Rouleau south of Regina today. I would post the photo from the farm as of 30 mins ago but I don't want to confuse people and have them think it is here. I think Curt is posting it on his facebook (again not Summit Creek so to avoid confusion) so if you are his friend check it out - 10ft of snow there. I would be calling Nipawin and seeing what the conditions are like there! Up here on the Divide you will be riding spring conditions with snow setting up. We did not get rain above 6000ft but did get rain below that per my message from two days ago. I apologize to the guy I was talking to about how to get to Corbin this phone battery died and I waited for him to call me back (I have another phone) but he never did. Hope you find your way! Guys just bring your fly rod and sled in the morning and when its getting hot and things are getting sketchy then go fly fishing in the afternoon! Cheers - V
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Mar 13/13 - Limestone
Mar 13/13 - Crow Snow Riders Poker Derby on 16th
Hi - I just wanted to add that the Crow Snow Riders are having a Poker Derby staging at the York Creek staging area on the 16th - this Saturday. Registration is at Blairmore Legion Friday night between 7-9pm or you can register at the York Creek Staging area Sat morning between 9-11am. There is a social planned for Sat night. They are looking for volunteers for the check points too if you have volunteer. Contact Andrew Bokkel at or call at 403-201-5887. Joe is out giving it a groom today to be ready for the derby on Sat. Cheers - V
Mar 13/13 - Rain Down Low Snow up Top
Good Morning, Curt, Wade, Kate & Ezzy were in the Rolling Hills yesterday and said it was snowing so hard they had problems seeing. It was fairly ridden out everywhere they went (both cabins) but said there was 10cm of fresh snow with more coming down steady. Think we may try it again today as the alpine is high risk right now and when it was warm a few days ago, slopes with solar aspects were releasing and pin wheeling. Give it a few days to settle or for the slopes to clean themselves off. If you are driving to the mountains you will be worried at the below 6000ft elevations with all the precipitation but fear not. This is common this time of year and 90% of the time it is snowing a thousand feet up from where you are on the roads. Just look up at frost lines if you can. The avy bulletins let you know what is expected for weather at different elevations too. Get doing the snow dance gang. I have had inquiries about quads and side by sides lately and I want to tell you....please do not take them down GROOMED TRAILS that cost clubs money to groom. You will not be well received by sledders. In May you will have snow and road to play on - please hold off til then. The sledders are more forgiving then - they are still riding in areas but accept that the trails will not be groomed then. When you do start to quad - it is always appreciated if you help clear trails on your travels. Cheers - V
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Mar 9/13 - Flathead Groomed
Hi Gang, I have been riding and busy in the evenings so this report comes a bit late. George groomed the Flathead last night and OMG what a difference. Can't believe how much improved the trail was. there were approx 50-60 sleds on the trail going into all the bowls that have been accumulating snow. I thought that even the trail into Barnes was better with the bit of snow we got. We only got about 8cm of snow down here at the Inn and Fernie got a big dump out of that last weather system. The Flathead area got 15cm for sure and put that on top of a bunch of unridden snow and you have nice consolidation, some traction but still carve worthy. Limestone saw a lot of action today but they said it was in good shape. Only part of the Barnes Meadow face has come down. Stay off it - there are better things to ride safely. We saw some solar triggered avalanches that had fallen by 1pm today in Rain Gauge but there was lots of safe places to play and the trees were FUN! Note to guy on the hill at a time and please don't go pull a climb above other people. There's lots of room to spread out and have a good time. Our one set of guests rode down the McLatchie past the Barnes Ranch access and up in cut blocks where they said there was a foot of unridden snow. They said they know of lots of little spots where nobody has been so go explore. Friends and guests that rode Fernie said the trail was great going in but took a bit of a beating by days end but still a pleasure til the last 2km which is normal. They were in cut blocks and said they had lots of fun - snow was set up but they took advantage of the traction. Sure there are lots of little places with unridden there still. Friends were in Atlas yesterday and said there was an avalanche - no fatalities and I don't have location or anything I just mention it to remind you that slopes are letting go and become more unstable over the course of the day depending on what direction it faces and the temps so never let your guard down and make good choices. What you pass up riding today you may be able to ride next week. Elkford got a big dump the other day per the crew from there. As for temps it is +2 right now at 9:20pm and alpine temps are running cooler - predicted -6 range. Winds are supposed to pick up a bit and we are supposed to have warmer temps on the way but also a bit of snow on Monday. Rode with Matt, Rhonda, Shane, Kari (sorry if I spelled it wrong) and Cooper today and we are sure we will get that big dump at the end of March LOL. Our trail is icy for the first 2km and then it gets better but it is starting to get rough - don't ride the middles - tear up the sides. It is still very ride-able though and if the temps can hold at -5 we can get a groom in. Need a bit more snow to really make an improvement on it. One creek is a bit trecherous to cross but okay. Thanks again to George - The Flathead was a pleasure to ride and I can't believe how well it held up with all that activity on it today. I hope the donation box is full. A note about that....its not just grooming you support by throwing in your contribution...its a vote. Its a vote to keep riding areas open. So vote when you ride a groomed trail with a donation or vote by buying a membership. Check out photos on Summit Creek Cabins facebook page. Cheers Gang!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Mar 6/13 - Two days of Clear Skies
Sorry for the gap in reports but I have been out riding ALL DAY for two days. Limestone three days ago had a good 30cm of untouched snow from the last snowfall and about another 10cms of fresh. It was great and the sky was clear. We played all day with no signs of unstable snow on the convex terrain or in the trees. The snow really changed at 6000ft as we anticipated. Rode to Packhorse Creek Outfitters yesterday and the trail from our house starts out icy. It is beat up pretty well from all the guests back and forth on it this weekend and we need some new snow in order to groom it and have any results. It is ride-able but you need SCRATCHERS! If you are riding the Flathead is really really rough and for new riders it is demoralizing. If you know you are headed to alpine and have knowledge of the price you have to pay to get there then you will suck it up and go but I wouldn't ask beginners to try it and expect them to want to go again the next day. Hopefully it will be groomed this weekend but I cannot confirm that. We rode down the Flathead and it improved a bit just before Heartbreak access and steadily improved to Rain Gauge access with signs of a couple of inches of new snow. Once we got to McLatchie it was all smiles and really nice but you can still feel the base and that it has had traffic. Just before Pollock Creek the trail has seen some small sliding filling in a few spots but is still fine for a beginner to be able to traverse safely. The Packhorse Creek avalanche run out has not come down across the trail in a long time and there looks to be some wind deposits on the lee side up there that will eventually let go with more snow or warmer temps. Be aware crossing that and use the procedures for crossing from your avalanche courses or by doing the course online at under training. B road is getting rough but still in good shape - I would ride that without hesitation but Curt, Harley and Mike said the Pipeline was super rough with lots of open creeks and I cannot imagine that that has improved at all over the past three days. Looked like only a few guys had been into Heartbreak and that wasn't yesterday and I didn't look hard enough at Rain Gauge - but I don't think anyone was in there. Remember those two bowls can be very dangers so choose your terrain in there carefully with all these weather changes. Last time in last week the cornices were ripe to come down but the trees were Verrry Niiccce. Weather: It is cool out with slightly overcast sky at -2. Temps supposed to be in the -5 range to +1 over the next 4 days but not swing drastically. We are supposed to get more snow over the next few days also with 1-5 cms a few times so hopefully 10-15cms of snow over the next 48 - 72hrs and another 5-6cms on Mon -Tues March 11/12th. So if you are coming....scratchers are really important and be prepared to tough out the rough trails to get to the sweet spots. Fernie is grooming and if you catch it right the snow will have fallen and you can get fresh there too before it gets ridden out. Crowsnest Pass reports from riders say York Creek is really thin but if you go back into Atlas it was not too bad. Some areas in Atlas are great but very technical to get to and ride and usually if you are riding that stuff you know someone close to the source to get more detailed info from. Okay so have a great time riding and Curt...congrats on your new Bike and Timbersled kit (Cooper has a permagrin)! Cheers - V
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Mar 3/13 - Blizzard
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Mar2/13 - Evening report on Limestone
Mar 2/13 - Rain down here, Snow at 6000ft
Well it rained down here all night and yuk our yard is sticky, a bit slushy, hard to drive in 6000ft it was snowing like crazy. It was +5 yesterday and supposed to be around that today but snowing all day tomorrow, Wed and Thurs/Fri. The guests went to Rolling Hills via Wranglers Thurs and then another group went Friday and said the snow was amazing in the trees and it was snowing alot yesterday. They are headed there again today and another group is headed to Corbin. They are on bikes at Corbin so they are not worried about the Flathead being so rough as they know the snow up in the bowls will be fantastic. Curt off to Corbin to help repair the groomer with George and Terry and if they can knock down some of the ruts they will. Temps supposed to return to that +1 to -2 range tomorrow and most of the week. Our trail is icy but we can't do anything with it til it cools down and snows a bit more but it was groomed twice recently so its as good as it can be. B road got rough but we can't groom it yet either with these warm temps. So suck it up at lower elevations because the snow is waiting for you to get up to it. Cheers - V
Friday, March 1, 2013
Mar 1/13 - Rolling Hills, Pipeline, Warm temps
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