Hello Sledders!
So we were in balmy Saskatchewan for a week where it was +12 and sunny and while we were gone it snowed 4 days out of 6 and Leipert says Limestone was amazing! The trail is in excellent shape with new snow falling on it still tonight. To recap...The 12th we got 6-8 inches, 13th - another 6 inches, warm day took about 6 inches back and then we have gotten about 18 inches minimum since we have been gone and then another 8 inches at least in the yard today and lightly snowing. Forecast is for more snow - a little bit each day but not huge dump for the next 4 out of 5 days. Shaping up to be a great spring like last year. Call and leave a message for bookings - I will call you back in the evenings. Don't put your sled away yet! Cheers -V
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