Of special note is that Tembec has Morrissey access CLOSED. The club got permission and got the job done cutting a new trail to the cabin in on the Coal Creek Road. This is your new access. Al and Derrick and Greg said that Rolling Hills was really good but that they have ridden every inch of it now so we'll have to wait for new snow LOL.
Curt went out on his birthday and he and Cooper went out grooming. The trail is groomed from our place to Corbin. Just leveling out and firming up a base and cutting out the side hill that was barely one sled width wide. The snow is not worthy of a "Get out here its great!" but I hate to see you guys chompin at the bit. Come on out and give it a go but don't have high expectations. The snow is there but its not coming up over the hood consistently. Avalanche activity is reduced and the reports are looking better but just watch as that layer in Oct and the weather we had in Nov has put down an ugly layer that we hope comes down safely to start anew. Temps were -12 today - its supposed to get cooler. We often get the -25 over Christmas which is very cold for here and then it comes back up to big snow temps around the -5 to -10.
The photos are from last night getting a tree. Knee deep on the slopes and basically bottomless in the trees just out back and 500ft up behind us. That is our oldest dog Roxy cheatin and catching a ride with Sommer on the Arctic Cat. Get doin' the snow dance gang! Cheers - V
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