Can you see the CPR shack across the tracks from us? ...me neither. It is snowing big flakes and lots of them and blowing a bit also but its warmer lol! Its about -14 right now and supposed to snow and flurry all week getting to zero around Thurs. It was supposed to be warmer than this by now so maybe zero is a stretch but I am guessing -4 range is possible. Roads were open this morning but travel was sketchy at our area. The causeway between us and the Welcome to Alberta sign was very bad and it seems to get worse the further west (into BC) you go from us. Glad I brought the kids home from school as soon as I dropped them off because it is getting more and more difficult to see. We aren't even going to bother blowing snow as it fills in as fast as you move it. We have easily 6 inches of new snow on top of what we had yesterday. The horse trailer is 22inches high and raised on the jack so the 2 ft drift infront of it looks little.
Can't tell that Page has the lights on on the tree at their place on the other side of the creek.
This will be so awesome in the trees when visibility improves and we can get out riding! Don't drive this way today or tonight if you don't have to. Cheers -V
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