Thursday, January 6, 2011

Snow Report: Jan 6/11

Howdy Gang,
Well we have a storm brewing. Over the past few days the Roger Mohr group have torn up Limestone and said the trees were great. They went into Shepp Creek they believe & McClatchie and said the snow was fantastic. Rain Gauge and Heartbreak are suffering from wind and the snow has been blown thin but that means that Elliott should be good. Reports from jour other guests that Rolling Hills was really good but today it was snowing so hard up there they couldn't see at all and they concurred with the Mohr guests about McClatchie being really great. Our trail is getting worn til about 500ft out and above us and then it improves steady for snow quality. Flathead groomed last night. Temps were +4 down here today and snow held really well and it is snowing a bit tonight - Elk are in the front yard. Friday, Sat Sun are supposed to be snowing with -2 degrees and 10cm forecasted for tomorrow. Cheers!

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