Monday, March 22, 2010

Snow Report: Mar 21/10

Willow trail to Elliott was full of snow and it was so good in Jerome's Bowl on Sat the boys went back again on Sunday. This is looking back at Limestone Ridge where it was snowing so much that they decided to wait to ride it again as visibility was very low. Good Times.
The Elk photo was taken on the drive to Corbin staging area - good example of why not to judge what you'll be riding above 5500ft when you are driving to the staging area - the "no snow" look discourages lots of riders unfamiliar with spring riding out here.
This morning - Monday Mar 22 - we got another inch in about 20 mins and then it quit. Forecast is to not go above -1 right to and including Thurs. Check out and Know before you Go always. Cheers!

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