Monday, March 31, 2014
Mar 31/14 - Few CM & Congrats!
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Mar 30/14 - Evening Report - BIG SNOW
Mar 30/14 - +2 and Snowing
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Mar 29/14 - Light Snow On & Off
Friday, March 28, 2014
Mar 28/14 - Daily Snow
Morning - just a quick update, its been -7/-8 but felt cool and snowing about 5-10cm daily. It is finally looking like a clear sky out there although more snow is forecasted. If you missed out on winter during the -20s to -30s this winter then you can certainly make up for it now! Better snow than we have had all year and risk is leveling off to seasonal norms. We are booked this weekend but have cabins available on Sunday and through the next week. I wouldn't balk at booking cabins because the snow is still very good. When we lived in Sask we would come out to Cranbrook and sled til the end of April. This is better than the warm, set up maybe rainy spring riding - this is back to feeling like winter riding with deep snow in the alpine and in pockets of tree riding. OH COOPER GOT HIS DRIVERS LICENSE YESTERDAY!!! Cheers - V
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Mar 26/14 - Flurry of Snow
Monday, March 24, 2014
Mar 24/14 - 50-100cm of fresh snow up top
Friday, March 21, 2014
Mar 21/14 - 15cm & snowing up top
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Mar 20/14 - Spring Equinox brings lots of SNOW
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Mar 19/14 - Snow in the Forecast
Morning, it is +3 here although it feels a bit cooler than that - clouding over a bit so we may get the snow that is forecasted for the next three days. Fernie ski hill got 35cm overnight when we got 10cm down here so that means there is somewhere between 10-35cm of fresh up top. We have crusty snow down here so you may need scratchers til you get a bit higher. I haven't been out on the trail lately but I am sure it is getting set up everywhere and under this fresh up top. Avy reports are improving but that weak layer down about 150cm is still a sleeping giant - don't poke that bear on risky slopes that have not come down yet. Limestone will be very good now I think. Its spring riding so check your gauges often and dip into snow to cool down every chance you get. We have the Summit Log cabin is booked today to Monday but the Flathead and Divide open tomorrow through the weekend. The Flathead is booked all next week but then the Divide and Summit Log cabins are available. In April I stop advertising unless we get a big dump of snow (which happens) and then I pretty well leave it up to the guys that know our place, the area and are seasoned spring riders to just call me if they want to come stay and sled. I know Curt and Cooper are going to get the tires back on the bikes mid April as they are headed to the Kooc early this year. Cheers - V
Monday, March 17, 2014
Mar 17/14 - St. Patricks Day Snow
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Mar 16/14 - Misty light Rain down here
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Mar 15/14 - Rolling Hills Update
Morning, our guests reported that Rolling Hills and area was very set up everywhere they went. We did not get the rain there nor rain here except for a little spitting around 7:30pm. It is bright and clear out now and high is supposed to be +5. Watch for solar radiation changing conditions over the course of the day. Our guests were either going back to Limestone or to Barnes Ranch today. They like the groomed trail in. Tomorrow it is supposed to be +9 with rain/flurries with 10-20cm expected. Monday is more flurries as we expect a high of +3 with another 5-10cm predicted. The avy report via the CAC Mobile app reports that north of Elkford a large cornice drop triggered a 2.5 avalanche and that the snow there is still very dry. This is normal activity but still an example of the need to be aware of what is at the top that you must consider when choosing terrain. It has been cool enough during the day here at the resort that the snow hasn't gotten super slushy - it is still melting slightly and then freezing so you will see that in a crust out there when you ride and over the course of the day watch the crust to see how much it warms up or remains cool. Read your bulletins/blogs/weather and still ride with conservative vigilance. It would be very interesting to take an AST course having this year for discussion. I think everyone has stepped up their knowledge or their thirst for knowledge after riding this season. Cheers gang - V
Friday, March 14, 2014
Mar14/14 - Morning update
Hi, it is +3 and snowing lightly but steady up top and bit here but not below us yet. I have contacted my guests to give them the option to cancel. I am not going to predict what the weather will do to improve or hinder the snowpack over the next week - everyone will just have to watch and wait and check the avy bulletins and blogs for recommendations. I still have groups coming but they simply were flexible enough to adjust their expectations to riding conservative terrain. I would say Heartbreak & Rain Gauge would be hazardous but that Rolling Hills type terrain and trails and Barnes Ranch maybe even Limestone (as it seems to be withstanding the bad year in true consistent form) may be the best options now. If you are okay with making a terrain adjustment then your season is likely not done yet. Most of my guests like to ride the big stuff and that is why I am overly concerned. I am just trying to err on the side of safety and hopefully get everyone really paying attention to conditions. If I have scared you or run you off I apologize. I would say this, you need the equipment and you need to know how to use it. Wade, Chris...if you guys can enjoy your trip without spending time in the usual places then come but otherwise...if your crews won't be happy in meadows and the lower terrain then wait til next winter or better yet - get the summer toys ready and come see us between winters! I will give you an update tonight from the guests here that are riding Rolling Hills today. Cheers - V
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Mar 13/13 - Report from Limestone
Howdy, it was +7 today and sunny - roads looked like July driving. Its +2 tonight but our slushy yard has firmed up a bit and is crusty again. Forecast is for flurry snow tomorrow turning to rain in the afternoon. Temps are supposed to stay in that +6 range except for Monday when it drops to +4 and is supposed to snow 10-20cms. Our guests (one group out of three came), went down the Flathead today and up into Barnes Meadow. The meadow was set up a bit and they played in there for a while. They then went up the drainage which showed no signs of sliding, sluffing or pinwheeling and rode conservatively up in the Limestone saddle in 20-30cms of snow with no tracks. They said the snow was notably drier up there and they had a good time. They are headed to Rolling Hills tomorrow. The rain in the forecast is supposed to be below that 1600-1800m mark or 5500-6500ft which is typical for this area. That is why there is a stern warning for the trees as the snow is getting soaked which is putting pressure on weak buried layers. Cornices are heavy and when they fall and trigger slides, that snow comes down and engages the wet snow and triggers that too. Joe Trotz, groomer for Crow Snow Riders said he remembered a year like this a long time ago and it rained on conditions like we have now and on that day nothing was safe out there. Karl Klassen used two words in his blog on"vigilance...and ....patience". Slopes that appear safer or more stable in the morning are going to be weakened in the afternoon by solar radiation so if you are riding this weekend you must be vigilant, have enduring patience and keep your head and eyes up. Be accepting to the decision of "not here, not now, not today" and be prepared with skills, knowledge and tools. Read the bulletins but go deeper to the forecaster blogs to read the conversations about decision making and possible scenarios. Watch the "Throttle Decisions" video on - it has a cartoon depicting snow conditions and weather and how that plays out in relation to terrain and human triggers. Its a start to understanding the risks. Be careful and be safe...V
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Mar 12/14 - Please Review the Forecasters Blog

Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Mar 11/14 - Decisions on Conditions
Hey Gang, I want to take the high road here. I have never really seen forecasts or blog comments on the current conditions like this before. I had one group cancel with my blessing, because they just felt the avalanche conditions were too risky and they have not ridden out here and have limited mountain experience as a group. There is always the risk of avalanche but we have areas that are relatively safe to ride year after year during changing conditions. This winter has dealt us a rotten set of cards especially as of late and is HIGHLY UNUSUAL and so in this circumstance, to my guests - I will not charge you a cancellation fee if you decide that you will not be able to find safe riding in the Corbin, Crowsnest, Fernie area. I doubt you will find this at any other resort but we are sledders and although sledders/locals/skiers/snowshoers etc will be out this week, everyone will be doing so with careful and conservative observation and not be under the self imposed pressure of having to put in four days or so of vacation worthy sledding. I think that a a change in attitude is happening where people are becoming more flexible in their expectations because we are better informed and I am seeing guests more prepared to simply adjust their riding and terrain choices accordingly and I congratulate them for it and the forecasters for shaping this new way of thinking. Its great to have forecasters that sled. They get it and they know how to convey practical decision making. I recommend trailering from our place to get closer to the area you want to ride. Its got lots of snowpack but is really rough and we can't groom it well enough in these temps all over the board. Curt just groomed the Flathead and it was really needing it! First two kms of the Flathead is snow/ice mix but then after that the snow improved greatly as per the photos. The avalanche that runs across the trail has come down. Remember it is March and so you have that mix of spring riding and the possibility of a big snow so be prepared with your expectations and for what the weather will dictate because it is the boss. That is the update from Summit Creek Cabins mid week. Enjoy being outside and not frozen - every day on a sled should be a good day no matter what you end up riding. Cheers - V

Sunday, March 9, 2014
Mar 9/14 - Raining here
Hi - I have some photos but I have misplaced my cord so I can't upload them. It was +5 here this morning and spitting a little but nothing major and now it is socked in up top - looks like it might be snowing and it is raining down here and +3. I am leaving the yard for a couple of days to see if it will melt down a bit on its own before scraping away at the slushy snow. You can still ride our trail but I would trailer around just because it is really rough from all the guests we have had on it over the past week and its too warm to do anything with it. There were TONS OF TRAILERS & SLEDS this weekend. Every staging area was full plus on the sides of roads. I couldn't believe the traffic. With that our guests said they only ran into 4 other guys up in Limestone. They said it was fantastic in there and NOT ridden out. Snow was waist deep in some spots in the trees and set up by wind in others. They got stuck in some tight steep trees on the East side - stuff most guests don't ride and heard a whumphf on the snowpack. This is consistent with the avalanche bulletin right now. I want everyone to read the South Rockies avy bulletin and then go to the South Rockies Blog for a video on whats going on out there. The reporting is great because this is the first year that we have had trained observers in such full time consistent and dedicated force reporting on the South Rockies - we have been getting better each year with the manpower dedicated to the region and it is appreciated! It is HIGHLY REACTIVE out there even below tree line right now so read the bulletins and then you will be able to plan your terrain choices (meadows and low angles with no terrain traps) carefully and still be able to enjoy the snow that is out there. It hasn't been a climbing year since early on in the season and my guests have said that was fine and that they were really working on their skills in less aggressive terrain as a result. You are going to get wet coming down below 6000ft yesterday and today and likely for the next couple of days. It is officially SPRING RIDING but reviewing the blog from last year we got a big dump of snow around the 17th and another one later in the month. So it will be lottery chances of riding set up wet snow in most places or deep fresh in others depending on the weather and anything can happen right now. Anyone booking in March usually is aware of this crap shoot but I just wanted to tell it like it is again. Be prepared with conditions information, training, the right expectations, clothing and a boot dryer if you are riding the next three weeks. Lots of guys riding and finding snow that is safe and enjoyable but they are making very conservative choices now and paying attention to the landscape around them on the way out. I will upload photos as soon as I can. Cheers and safe riding gang! - V
Friday, March 7, 2014
Mar 7/14 - From -11 to +5
What the hell! Yesterday I blew snow for 5hrs and it was still lightly snowing by evening and today it was +5 and heavy wet snow. Oh well more snow to come I am sure. Trail out of our place is rough right now and can't groom it til it snows and cools down again. Our guests did an epic trail ride by mistake today - poor guys but they are going to get to the Alpine for sure tomorrow! They said a big crew left the staging area at Corbin today and headed up into Barnes so that is likely getting ridden out. They said it looked like no one had gone up into Heartbreak and they are likely going to check out Rain Gauge and ride the trees there with a heads up. Got an email today asking about avalanches and yep the season has been precariously resting on a crappy weak layer and yep its still there in many places and yep these temp swings don't do it any favors. Gotta take a look and make some decisions and observations before you hit the throttle. My last guests from Spring Valley, Sk said that Barnes Ranch was awesome snow - alpine meadow. Cooper and Tanner were out today just in cut blocks behind us on fresh snow and said they could still carve so snow lightens a bit with altitude. The lower angle terrain towards Fernie likely holds some hidden unridden spots just waiting for some adventurous sledders. No rain today just sun and some high level cloud. Temps going to remain fairly constant over the next few days. Have a pair of scratchers at the ready for riding the lower levels. More snow in the forecast for Sunday and Monday but be prepared to get wet on the way back down. Travel with a boot dryer - tis the season. Cheers - V
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Mar 6/14 - SNOW DAY
Morning crew, I am sick so I will make this short. We have overnight gotten 10-15cm of snow either from snowfall or blowing or both but its here and its snowing hard enough that I kept the kids home. Pass is still open but my porch has about 8cm of snow on it and visibility is weakening so I am not bothering to hit the hwy til I have to. Plugged in the tractor cause nobody is going anywhere til I blow snow....again. Its -9 and supposed to go to +2 later today. Jeesh! It was +4 and sleeting and melting yesterday - snow got soaked - the kind where you get stuck on the flat, sticky, wet snow - I am sure there were many natural releases yesterday because of it. All the snow came thundering off our roof with the extra weight in the snow. Guests say it was snowing above 6800ft. Tomorrow we are supposed to have more snow/rain maybe and then its predicted to go into the low teens by weeks end. I doubt it will swing that far as they have said that before and it changed daily to come back into the +2/4 range. Read your avy reports - they have really good weather info too. Having a coffee til the tractor warms up again! Cheers - V
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Mar 2/14 - 5cm of Snow on the Flat
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