Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Snow Report: Dec 29/10
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Snow Report: Dec 28/10
Monday, December 27, 2010
Snow Report: Dec 27/10
Hope everyone has had a Merry Christmas and is looking forward to a safe and Happy New Year!
Our trail was groomed Dec 23rd and has held up really well. George just stopped in and he is going to Corbin and will groom the Flathead once or twice in the next few days. The collection from the other weekend is making that possible - thank you to all who anti up!
We are at -1 and it snowed a bit of graupel yesterday afternoon then about 3 inches of big flakes down here overnight - likely more in the alpine. Bit hazy up there today. Supposed to start cooling off - good for grooming. Avalanche report for Corbin & Fernie area is coming down to moderate in alpine - go to and south rockies for the full report. Heard Barnes was tracked out a bit but Limestone still fresher. Rolling Hills has likely seen a fair amount of action also with Morrisey being shut off as an access for Teck's active logging but I have not had a report on that to confirm it.
Up Coming Events: SLED HEAD THINK TANK - Watch a slideshow, hear from avalanche survivor Jeremy Hanke, Listen to helicopter pilot on heli evacuation of stuck sleds, participate in open forum on values based safety, backcountry snowmobiling in the media. $15 per advance ticket 250-425-8217 or $20 at the door. FERNIE: Jan 7th Park Place Lodge 6pm, SPARWOOD: Jan 8th Causway Bay Emerald Room 6pm, ELKFORD: Jan 14 Elkford Motor Inn Meeting Room 6pm and BLAIRMORE: Jan 15th Lions Pride Hall @6pm. They will also have the newest trends in safety gear with great prizes! Cheers! V
Our trail was groomed Dec 23rd and has held up really well. George just stopped in and he is going to Corbin and will groom the Flathead once or twice in the next few days. The collection from the other weekend is making that possible - thank you to all who anti up!
We are at -1 and it snowed a bit of graupel yesterday afternoon then about 3 inches of big flakes down here overnight - likely more in the alpine. Bit hazy up there today. Supposed to start cooling off - good for grooming. Avalanche report for Corbin & Fernie area is coming down to moderate in alpine - go to and south rockies for the full report. Heard Barnes was tracked out a bit but Limestone still fresher. Rolling Hills has likely seen a fair amount of action also with Morrisey being shut off as an access for Teck's active logging but I have not had a report on that to confirm it.
Up Coming Events: SLED HEAD THINK TANK - Watch a slideshow, hear from avalanche survivor Jeremy Hanke, Listen to helicopter pilot on heli evacuation of stuck sleds, participate in open forum on values based safety, backcountry snowmobiling in the media. $15 per advance ticket 250-425-8217 or $20 at the door. FERNIE: Jan 7th Park Place Lodge 6pm, SPARWOOD: Jan 8th Causway Bay Emerald Room 6pm, ELKFORD: Jan 14 Elkford Motor Inn Meeting Room 6pm and BLAIRMORE: Jan 15th Lions Pride Hall @6pm. They will also have the newest trends in safety gear with great prizes! Cheers! V
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Snow Report: Dec 21/10
Monday, December 20, 2010
Snow Report: Dec 19/10
Chilly! -19 today & lightly snowing but....Tues -Sun is supposed to be -1 to -4 with flurries and snow on and off all week. Terry is down in Corbin so the Flathead will be groomed shortly. We have been getting 1 to 2 inches of snow daily down here over the past few days and more up top. Rolling Hills is getting ridden, reports of less snow at the Notch but Rain Gauge area is very good. Pipeline is a bit rough but the trails are still in really good condition with depth of snow - a bit rough from being ridden. This week will improve that. Cheers! V
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Snow Report: Dec 18/10
Today is warmer but blowing a bit but it is Snowing! -10 and snowing down here - small flakes and snowing up top heavier though. We got about another 1inch or so down here overnight.
We have the 27th of Dec to the 2nd of Jan now open in the New Cabin! Hurry and book it. I will be in and out all day so leave a message! Cheers!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Snow Report: Dec 15/10
Went for a quick trail ride out to Rain Gauge and back and our trail and the Flathead are in great shape. Snow got lighter and dryer and deeper the further south you went. Fire Lake had been ridden that weekend was now filled in again and I broke trail up to it.
Barry Forge gang went up into Rain Gauge and had their hands full with snow - got stuck lots of times and it was snowing up top more than down on the trail. Clayton reports that it snowed all night up at the Elk Valley mine. -2 and snowing lightly down here on and off. We got an inch more over night down here and I am guessing another 5-6 up top for sure. The south side of Rain Gauge has come down so watch for more instabilites in those areas still clinging to the slope. Cheers - V
Barry Forge gang went up into Rain Gauge and had their hands full with snow - got stuck lots of times and it was snowing up top more than down on the trail. Clayton reports that it snowed all night up at the Elk Valley mine. -2 and snowing lightly down here on and off. We got an inch more over night down here and I am guessing another 5-6 up top for sure. The south side of Rain Gauge has come down so watch for more instabilites in those areas still clinging to the slope. Cheers - V
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Snow Report: Dec 14/10
Monday, December 13, 2010
Snow Report: Dec 13/10
+4 and was spitting a bit this morning - this will be our base and you will need to pay attention to the avalanche reports as Clayton said that up top at the Elk Valley mine it rained for 3 hrs after snowing most of the night. We are supposed to get mixed precipitation (rain/snow) today, then temps are dropping gradually over the next few days to -10 with more snow forecasted for the end of the week.
Bring scratchers. Snow will be heavy in mid altitudes and a bit icy down lower. School was cancelled today not because of highway - it is in really good shape but because of all the hilly roads into the acreages. Hope that has painted an accurate picture for you. Cheers - V
Bring scratchers. Snow will be heavy in mid altitudes and a bit icy down lower. School was cancelled today not because of highway - it is in really good shape but because of all the hilly roads into the acreages. Hope that has painted an accurate picture for you. Cheers - V
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Snow Report: Dec 12/10
Hey Gang - just a quick note - it is snowing here. Blew out the yard yesterday and will likely be on it again later today. 6 inches of new snow in past 24hrs at least - more on the trail as you head up. +2 and snowing here and up top and drizzling rain at Crowsnest Lake and lower into Blairmore etc. Roads will likely be a bit sketchy tonight but right now they are fine -just slow down and your good.
Clayton reports from the mine today that it is snowing like crazy up top there so the alpine is getting a great shot. Happy Birthday Clayton!
Clayton reports from the mine today that it is snowing like crazy up top there so the alpine is getting a great shot. Happy Birthday Clayton!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Snow Report: Dec 10/10
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Snow Report: Dec 9th/10
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Snow Report: Dec 8/10: Morrissey Trailhead
Message from Fernie Snowmobile Club: "Please note that TEMBEC is using & plowing the Morrissey Rd all the way to the pipeline. At this time TEMBEC is denying us access from the Morrissey Trailhead for this year (including weekends). Please contact TEMBEC: Ken Sterloff @ 250-529-7211 ext 225 or Steve Drader@ 250-529-7211 ext 226 for comments or questions on the closure."
"Our regular trailheads at Coal Creek, Hartley Lake Road and the Lodgepole/Ram will of course be open. We are working on a program to groom an alternate route to the Wranglers Cabin. We will be grooming up to the Coal Creek Summit in the meantime."
It is important to support all the clubs grooming activities - it costs a lot and is accomplished through many volunteer hours and the difference between groomed access and not makes a huge difference to the quality of your daily ride in and out to the alpine off trail areas.
Sparwood & Elkford were talking about grooming the pipeline - if so please come prepared with some cash in your pocket to donate to their efforts - the sled community needs to stick together! Cheers - V
Friday, December 3, 2010
Snow Report: Dec 3/10
Good Afternoon - it is cool and clear here -4 and we got about 3 inches of snow over the past couple of days but it was snowing more up top. Our local group of guys went up into Barnes and the creeks are open but they got stuck like crazy trying to get up into Limestone - too much snow! They have been to Rolling Hills and it was alright - lots of snow for early riding. Curt groomed our trail again - helping it to set up. Great time to break in a sled. Off trail you are going to hit and miss with deep snow and no base but we have more snow here than most places. Hope you have all ordered your avy equipment for Christmas! Cheers - V
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Snow/Grooming Report: Nov 28/10
George was out grooming the Flathead and it was fantastic to burn down the trail on - first one is on the club then please start contributing to grooming. There were tracks up to Barnes, Rain Gauge (although we heard it was thinner up top), Heartbreak and Keith said they couldn't get into Predator. Backside of Limestone is a no go yet - we checked that out. Lots of snow in the meadows.
Curt groomed the trail from our place to Tent Mountain too. Am seeing more sled trailers on the highway all the time. It was some really fun riding - much better than I expected. For all the SK people - GO RIDERS!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Corbin Turn Off @ Hwy #3: Nov 25/10
Corbin Turn off used to be after the tracks (yellow sign far off in one photo) and before the green bridge heading west to Sparwood. With the partial contruction of the new over pass complete the turn off has now been moved East of its original position. It is now right after the signs talking about completion of the "Corbin Loop & Hwy 3 OverPass" you see when driving west. The actual "CORBIN" sign is SUPER SMALL - a normal street sign size. Green with white lettering as you can see in the photo. To the left of that you will see the old "TECK Coal Mountain Operations" sign. The road now goes inbehind the east end of the over pass contruction to the Corbin Hwy. Hope I explained it well - not many places to turn a big seld trailer around if you miss it except at the mine buildings further down the road.
BEWARE THE SHEEP at the Crowsnest Lakes before us and after us just before the Corbin Turn off. They are licking the salt off the road. They don't move even if you honk and they are like hitting a moose! They are super hard to see at night and have been really bad out on the roads between 5 & 9pm.
The other photos are of Cooper and Tanner out on Tent Mtn this past Sunday. Tim at Over the Top Rentals said there was 3ft of snow on the Flathead road and our guest yesterday said the trails were good but beware the lack of base. They are breaking in some new RMKs and having fun. I think this weekend will be good to be sledding!
We are not renting sleds but here are two that are: Mountain Memories 403-564-4883 East end of the Pass and Over The Top Rentals in Calgary:403-829-SLED (7533).
Jason - I think it looks better than expected but bring the horses or sleds - trucks will no fun without a big winch on the trails! We headed out tomorrow if it a bit warmer. Call us tonight.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Light Snow: Nov 20/10
Doing a special on the cabins - now til Dec 21st it is $150 flat rate per night - early season special so you can get out on the snow early and heaven forbid but also better afford any parts you may need LOL. Cheers.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Trail Report this morning: Nov 19/10
Tomorrow I will take photos of new Corbin turn off - moved for construction of new over pass and photos of the staging areas. Note: DO NOT RIDE MINE PROPERTY. We are going to lose the corbin staging area if riders are on that first 4km to the east of trail where the ponds are. Hold off zipping up thereand go ride the alpine. It will be roped off with NO TRESSPASSING SIGNS - if you see someone doing it - STOP THEM. The staging area was staked off to be fenced and closed and the Corbin Club execs went up and spoke to Mine representatives and held them off - this is serious gang. They'll have vehicles towed on the road if they decide to close off the staging area - it will be an all or nothing situation. This would mean also that there would likely be NO GROOMING anymore so if you want to keep it-then enforce it. Cheers!
Still Snowing: Nov 19/10
Thursday, November 18, 2010
More Snow: Nov 18/10
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Still Snowing: Nov 17/10
First photo is today and second is from Sunday - big difference! Snowing all day and supposed to get 5 cm out of it - no problem we'll get that plus more tomorrow. Forecast is for cloudy but no snow over the rest of the week after tomorrow but the temps are all -5 to -11 so I wouldn't be surprised to get some more.
Fernie is reporting 2ft at Wranglers cabin -- remember we need base to cover the rocks! I wouldn't travel far to come ride or anything like that - hold off and let this set up.
So always said that bald spot on the mountains in behind us would be Hamdorf's Conquest when you made it up there....NOPE! Clayton and I hiked it today and made it! We were on all fours trying to make it up some faces to it but we did and after Clayton watched in slow mo as a bent over spruce came back on him and whacked him in the privates...cold privates....the bald summit is now known as Perk's Knob! More weather info tomorrow! Cheers.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Snow: Nov 16/10
Friday, November 12, 2010
Ready for anything: Nov 12/10
About Avy Equipment.....time to retire the old analogs and don't use anything that only has one antenna. The dual antenna (usually makes an X on the back of your DTS beacons) are still good but if you are thinking of upgrading then the latest is the 3 antenna equipment. Remember - having lots of options is cool but if you are under pressure and afraid...easy operator use is best. After that it is practice practice practice. Cheers!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Gear Hub: Belts/Oil etc : Nov 11/11
Hi - hope everyone's Rememberance Day ceremonies were peaceful and introspective.
Curt and I were in Fernie a couple of days ago and there is a new store called the "GearHub". They have new and used equipment - ski, skate, kayak, outdoor clothes and sleds and motorcycles. John who is a co-owner hails from Saskatoon and just moved to Fernie. He handles the motorized side of the business and is a ski doo man. He will have belts and oil and plugs for those last minute needs. They will be able to crank a wrench or two also depending on your needs. They will have sleds from Mr. R's in Lethbridge for sale. John was great to talk to and his staff was very helpful. Put this in your phone: 250-423-5555. John is also up to hear all about where you are sledding and what you are finding out there for snow. We wish them success!
No snow here yet but they say it is coming in the next week. Darn SK is hogging it all right now LOL. Cheers!
Curt and I were in Fernie a couple of days ago and there is a new store called the "GearHub". They have new and used equipment - ski, skate, kayak, outdoor clothes and sleds and motorcycles. John who is a co-owner hails from Saskatoon and just moved to Fernie. He handles the motorized side of the business and is a ski doo man. He will have belts and oil and plugs for those last minute needs. They will be able to crank a wrench or two also depending on your needs. They will have sleds from Mr. R's in Lethbridge for sale. John was great to talk to and his staff was very helpful. Put this in your phone: 250-423-5555. John is also up to hear all about where you are sledding and what you are finding out there for snow. We wish them success!
No snow here yet but they say it is coming in the next week. Darn SK is hogging it all right now LOL. Cheers!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Mini Z for Sale: Nov 8/10
Hi There, Weather was really rainy the past 24hrs but it is not today - still overcast. Clayton and I took the dogs for a hike and it was perfect temps - a bit greasy but great to be out.
I was cruising and in the "Classifieds" under "Buy and Sell" on page 14 there was a Ski Doo Mini Z for sale that looked like it was in excellent condition for $1200. Not sure if it is still available but I know they are hard to find and that is a very good price so if you are interested call the number 250-423-3971. Hope someone gets a great find for the upcoming winter! Merry Christmas maybe hey?
Good day for quading still. Rocky Mtn Sled Show in Calgary this coming weekend! Fernie Ski Swap too. Cheers, V.
I was cruising and in the "Classifieds" under "Buy and Sell" on page 14 there was a Ski Doo Mini Z for sale that looked like it was in excellent condition for $1200. Not sure if it is still available but I know they are hard to find and that is a very good price so if you are interested call the number 250-423-3971. Hope someone gets a great find for the upcoming winter! Merry Christmas maybe hey?
Good day for quading still. Rocky Mtn Sled Show in Calgary this coming weekend! Fernie Ski Swap too. Cheers, V.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Quad Sold: Nov 4/10
Hi Gang - Congrats and thanks to Kelly who is now the proud owner of the 550 Grizzly. We hope to see you and your buds out here on the trails! Thanks again to the CNP Quad Squad - what an exciting draw supported by so many members and volunteers - join up - family rates are very reasonable and the club is very organized working to preserve riding areas!
Weather was beautiful out today here - very sunny and the hot tub was perfect LOL. Snow has now been pushed back on the longterm forecast and after today - we could probably hold off and enjoy the sun a little bit longer. Temps were in high teens. Get out a do some November riding and then look back on the perfect year as you are sledding well into May! Do it all!
Cheers - V
Weather was beautiful out today here - very sunny and the hot tub was perfect LOL. Snow has now been pushed back on the longterm forecast and after today - we could probably hold off and enjoy the sun a little bit longer. Temps were in high teens. Get out a do some November riding and then look back on the perfect year as you are sledding well into May! Do it all!
Cheers - V
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Griz for Sale: Nov 2/10
Hey there - Curt spoke to another dealer today who had 550 Grizzly's with power steering in stock and Yamaha offered a $2000 rebate on the $11,500 price so they were up for $9500 + tax. So....Curt lowered the price to $8000 clear. Just a heads up if you were teetering on buying one - we have put it on kijiji.
Temps are supposed to reach +10 by Friday and then rain a bit on Sat and light snow and +3 by Mon & Tues.
Doublewide trailer will be available one more winter and then it is gone in the spring. It is also for sale but not available until April 2011.
Rocky Mountain Sled Show is on in Calgary Nov 12th weekend - check out all the new gear and sleds. Cheers - V
Temps are supposed to reach +10 by Friday and then rain a bit on Sat and light snow and +3 by Mon & Tues.
Doublewide trailer will be available one more winter and then it is gone in the spring. It is also for sale but not available until April 2011.
Rocky Mountain Sled Show is on in Calgary Nov 12th weekend - check out all the new gear and sleds. Cheers - V
Quading: Nov 2/10
Hey Gang,
Congrats and Thanks to Eric - proud new owner of the Honda 420. The Grizzly is still available.
Weather has been very rainy and cool but the sun just popped through now and it is supposed to be up in the high teens low twenties by Thursday. Rain hasn't hurt the trails at all and if you want some late season mucking- come on out. We will give you really good deals on November bookings.
Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association's annual sled show is on this upcoming weekend in Saskatoon. Forecast is that following volcanic eruptions there is always good snow. Thank you Iceland! If you have a new sled that needs an engine break in then come early and burn up the trails but I will let you know when the base is worth going off the trails. Schedule your avalanche training - there is always a quick intro at the shows - see Zac's Tracks booth. Get your avalanche equipment and get a tutoring session on SPOT - it is a very good tool to add to your kit. Practice practice practice with your beacons. Cheers!
Congrats and Thanks to Eric - proud new owner of the Honda 420. The Grizzly is still available.
Weather has been very rainy and cool but the sun just popped through now and it is supposed to be up in the high teens low twenties by Thursday. Rain hasn't hurt the trails at all and if you want some late season mucking- come on out. We will give you really good deals on November bookings.
Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association's annual sled show is on this upcoming weekend in Saskatoon. Forecast is that following volcanic eruptions there is always good snow. Thank you Iceland! If you have a new sled that needs an engine break in then come early and burn up the trails but I will let you know when the base is worth going off the trails. Schedule your avalanche training - there is always a quick intro at the shows - see Zac's Tracks booth. Get your avalanche equipment and get a tutoring session on SPOT - it is a very good tool to add to your kit. Practice practice practice with your beacons. Cheers!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Quads for Sale: Oct 25/10
Hi Gang,
Weather has been rainy for 48hrs but now it is just a bit overcast and +4 @ 6pm - chilly. The mountains are dusted with frost.
We have decided to sell the quads instead of wintering them. Curt checked with a few dealers on the MSRP and decided with their advice that $2000 less than that retail price would move them. The 2010 550 Grizzly with power steering, fuel injection and electric start we will sell for $9500 and the 2010 420 Honda with power steering, fuel injection and electric start we will sell for $6500. Curt is headed toward Sask this coming weekend and would bring a quad or both if someone there wanted to buy them. Let us know before Thurs. Cheers!
Weather has been rainy for 48hrs but now it is just a bit overcast and +4 @ 6pm - chilly. The mountains are dusted with frost.
We have decided to sell the quads instead of wintering them. Curt checked with a few dealers on the MSRP and decided with their advice that $2000 less than that retail price would move them. The 2010 550 Grizzly with power steering, fuel injection and electric start we will sell for $9500 and the 2010 420 Honda with power steering, fuel injection and electric start we will sell for $6500. Curt is headed toward Sask this coming weekend and would bring a quad or both if someone there wanted to buy them. Let us know before Thurs. Cheers!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Quad Report: Oct 18/10
Boone and Brenda, Wade and Kevin were out this past weekend and even though it was drizzly and frosty Clayton and Curt took to the trails with them and had a great day. The next day Kev and Clayton and Wade went out while Boone, Brenda and Curt went fishing. More company coming this week! Our weather is cool but sunny right now. You need to bring wet wear though as it can start drizzling and then stop as soon as you get damp. Trails are still great - some areas are closed for hunting so buy a map and be sure. BC side is really busy with Moose hunting - can't remember what size but they haven't had a draw for this size in 15yrs or something so if you can recreate on the AB side then I would do that.
Thanks to all who bought tickets on the draw - we had winners from Okotoks and Lethbridge also. I tell ya - I never thought in a million years we would win anything but it sure was worth the ticket! OH what a feeling! Cheers, V
Friday, September 17, 2010
Snow Report #2: Sep 17/10
Cheers - V
Snow Report: Sep 17/10
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Quad/Hunting Report: Sep16/10
Anyway - Bow hunting becomes high power tomorrow on the AB side so the trails will get busier - BC has been open for a bit now - just always be respectful of each other gang. Weather has been a cycle of rain every couple of days followed by cool sunny day and then back into it so dress for cool and wet and you will be good. Our weather has not been as extreme as Lethbridge and east. Supposed to possibily snow this weekend. It is sunny and warm out today! Heads up are booked over Christmas and New Years and have bookings in Jan and a bunch in July 2011 already.
Cheers and Happy Hunting, Fishing and Quading! V
Friday, September 10, 2010
Sunny Day: Sep 10/10
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Sno Bike Track Kit for Sale: Sept 4/10

One of our crew of regulars has an 08 2moto sno bike track kit for sale. It fits all bikes 450cc and bigger. It has 2 inch paddles and 38 inches of contact. Roger (from Gray, SK) is looking for $3500 obo. You can reach him at his cell # 306-533-2015. This kit can climb!
I wanted to change one of my previous blog reports. It pertains to the Gray, SK crew in the photo with the Sask Roughrider. I got Alyssa's name wrong - called her Crystal and I apologize for that. This young girl took her TTR and picked her way up the Seven Sisters Trail calmly kicking rock while a bunch of 650's looked up at her - atta go girl! She's hooked on mountain riding now so Daddy Rob better save up cause I don't think she'll be left behind again. Way ta go Keith (big brother) for encouraging her too!
Another beautiful day - we are getting the summer we didn't have earlier. The Pulver Polaris gang from Brandon, MB are here quading and lovin' it. Kananaskis Pro Rodeo Horse/Motorbike/Quad poker rally is on today - should be a good one! Joe Trotz who is a driving force behind the rodeo is also the Crow Snow Riders groomer and watch for him on Man Tracker as the guide when they hunt down two Saskatoon girls filmed here this summer in Crowsnest.
We are getting bookings for later Dec and early Jan sled trips - heads up! LOL Cheers, V
Friday, September 3, 2010
The Quading Clarkes: Sep 3/10
Here is part of my family - they are starting to make annual quad trips out here and we couldn't be happier. Wish more of them would make the trip.....there's that familiar family dig eh? My mom Glennys in the red jacket with my Dad Donn in background and later both on quad. My cousin Bert and Myrna and then two shots of my cousin Wade - who has done more than his fair share of work around here on his son's mini quad, my uncles Dean & Grant and my Aunti Debbie and Sommer and Curt, Cooper and Clayton all headed out and had a great time. Aunti Joan and my grandmother Norma did not head out on the quad portion of the trip but last year they did!
Okay weather.....we have had steady little showers every couple of days or so with warmer days than we have had all summer in between. The trails have puddles and are not dusty. Be prepared for cool mornings and evenings, an occassional rain and then hot afternoons - it is the mountains. Hunting is commencing soon so be respectful of each other on the trails and just enjoy being outside.
We are cooking up some longer stay deals for October/Nov so give us a call. We are hoping to offer the deals into the winter season so plan for 4 nights or more. Plans are still in place for the doublewide being moved off by the time seeding is done in Sask. We reinvest in our oasis to try to offer more and more comfortable lodging for our guests. Cheers and thank you for choosing us! V
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Roughrider Quading: Aug 14/10
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Quad Report: Aug 7/10
We have been getting a bit of short gentle rains in the evenings and sometimes in the early morning then warm and humid during the day -perfect for the trails and keeping the dust down. Trails are quiet - the July rush of traffic has subsided and now is a perfect time to ride.
BC has an open fire ban - not to be confused with forest closure - just don't start an open fire in the forest. These rains are great for keeping things moist and are always welcome.
Clayton and Curtis have been fishing up a storm! They have been catching alot too but I haven't gotten the photos off Curt's phone - sorry - I have seen the photos and they are real! LOL We are booking Sept and Oct. The Log Cabin is getting the love it needed and getting sikkened (treated and sealed) here in a week.
Sled shows are announced: Alberta Sled Show in Edmonton is Oct 22-24th, Saskatchewan Sled Show is in Saskatoon Nov 5-7th and Rocky Mountain Sled Show in Calgary is Nov 12-13th.
I am going to sell off a bunch of restaurant chairs (many recovered) so if you are interested just drop me a line. Cheers! V
BC has an open fire ban - not to be confused with forest closure - just don't start an open fire in the forest. These rains are great for keeping things moist and are always welcome.
Clayton and Curtis have been fishing up a storm! They have been catching alot too but I haven't gotten the photos off Curt's phone - sorry - I have seen the photos and they are real! LOL We are booking Sept and Oct. The Log Cabin is getting the love it needed and getting sikkened (treated and sealed) here in a week.
Sled shows are announced: Alberta Sled Show in Edmonton is Oct 22-24th, Saskatchewan Sled Show is in Saskatoon Nov 5-7th and Rocky Mountain Sled Show in Calgary is Nov 12-13th.
I am going to sell off a bunch of restaurant chairs (many recovered) so if you are interested just drop me a line. Cheers! V
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Quad Report: Aug 1/10
Friday, July 16, 2010
Sinister 7 Weekend: July 10/10
Hey Gang,
I have been told to get to work and keep this updated! LOL
Here is a photo of the gang from last weekend - weather was just right for riding but not great for running! We had a hard rain but it kept the dust down and created the perfect opportunity to soak your buddy. The gang from Morse, SK was here and they kept Cooper busy washing quads.
Jamie from Washington ran 126 km of the 146km of the entire race, over several mountain peaks in knee deep mud and just missed a final stage cut off by 15mins!!! Next year Jamie it is yours! Congrats that was an amazing feat.
We have not had the rain that Cranbrook or Lethbridge has had - we have had just the right amount to keep the forest green and the trails in good shape. It has been very cool though. We have been waking up to +5 in the mornings so bring layers. Thunder in the Valley is supposed to be a scorcher though.
The top photo is from Curt, Cooper, David, Krauss and Biblow heading down the Flathead to Pollock Creek to do a bit of fly fishing. It was cool - no fish - lots of great riding and ran into some trail buddies. Ride Safely! Cheers.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Doublewide Update: June 15, 2010
Well we haven't had snow for a while We are getting just enough drizzle here and there to keep the dust down and the forest wet - perfect!
The doublewide will see ONE more season! Curt and his Dad - Boone are the carpenters and they now find themselves looking at a Sept shutdown and late harvest and have decided to hold off on building a new cabin till next spring. So for all you who love the doublewide (it is our favorite accomodation) now for August and further. We will still be looking to sell it in the spring so if you have a property that needs an economical home or cabin on it give us a call.
The gang did the Cranbrook Quad ride to here and back to Cranbrook ride and they were COLD! Fun was had by all and a there was a razor roll amidst the riding. A fall trip is in the discussion stages.
It is June 15th and so the north side of us and Alexander is open to motorized vehicles.
We have one opening for July 1-6th for the new cabin but then we are booking into August.
Cheers and have fun!
The doublewide will see ONE more season! Curt and his Dad - Boone are the carpenters and they now find themselves looking at a Sept shutdown and late harvest and have decided to hold off on building a new cabin till next spring. So for all you who love the doublewide (it is our favorite accomodation) now for August and further. We will still be looking to sell it in the spring so if you have a property that needs an economical home or cabin on it give us a call.
The gang did the Cranbrook Quad ride to here and back to Cranbrook ride and they were COLD! Fun was had by all and a there was a razor roll amidst the riding. A fall trip is in the discussion stages.
It is June 15th and so the north side of us and Alexander is open to motorized vehicles.
We have one opening for July 1-6th for the new cabin but then we are booking into August.
Cheers and have fun!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Snow Report: May 5/10
They said we'd get 10cm and we did. Some had melted by this morning but it was snowing hard last night. Forecast is for rain and temps increasing from 4 to 14 above incrementally by next Tuesday. Traffic is moving slow up top but the plough trucks gave it a once over last night. Still snowing up top a bit this morning. Fish will be biting! (Don't worry Chris....this will be gone by end of May - LOL). Cheers.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Snow Report: May 4th/10
Well the gang from Brooks, our locals and Ezzy and Tyson were out sledding this past weekend with snow in spots up to the knees - fairly set up but lots of good riding for hardcores. The Flathead is gravel for about 2-3km (not able to drive all the way into Barnes turn-up) and trailers made their way in. Curt very sad about broken thumb watching all of them leave to ride. There is no avalanche report this time of year but beware and watch for signs - the heat and wet snow will cause releases but there are lots of great places to ride away from iffy terrain.
Fishing is incredible - on the BC Summit Trophy Trout lake 2mins walk from us they have been pulling great fish out. Cooper and Kale caught 4 this past weekend (catch and release - the limit is 1 fish) and they talked to some guys who had caught (and released) 25 fish one day. Check out the Alberta Fly Fishing blog to get the inside scoop on what is hatching for flies right now.
Bears are awake now. Quadding is pretty good - over 6000ft you will likely run into snow but the Crowsnest Pass is dry with alot of kms of lower elevation riding.
Top Gunn Mechanical is opening a Motorsports division to their shop to fill the hole left by BSL Industries. They are located on 20th Ave (the main street through Blairmore) in Blairmore and will be carrying all the parts, tires, belts and some clothing to ensure that a breakdown won't hold up your vacation winter or summer. Stop in and check out Doug and Sherry's store!
After July 31st we are saying good bye to the Doublewide trailer and building a new cabin with 3 bedrooms, kitchen & livingroom in its spot! The Doublewide is for sale and must be gone by August 1st - the price is $10,000 and includes all the furniture and beds except for the double bunkbed and lamps. We have Dan & Sheila Hall of Countryside Homes out of Cranbrook who will break it apart, seal it, move it, block and brace it and put it together for under $10,000 depending on the new site location and within 150 miles or you are welcome to find another mover. This is priced to move!
Sorry I have been lax on blogging. Tis the season to dirt bike, quad, fish, hunt, snowmobile, ride horses and even golf all in the same weekend! Cheers!
Fishing is incredible - on the BC Summit Trophy Trout lake 2mins walk from us they have been pulling great fish out. Cooper and Kale caught 4 this past weekend (catch and release - the limit is 1 fish) and they talked to some guys who had caught (and released) 25 fish one day. Check out the Alberta Fly Fishing blog to get the inside scoop on what is hatching for flies right now.
Bears are awake now. Quadding is pretty good - over 6000ft you will likely run into snow but the Crowsnest Pass is dry with alot of kms of lower elevation riding.
Top Gunn Mechanical is opening a Motorsports division to their shop to fill the hole left by BSL Industries. They are located on 20th Ave (the main street through Blairmore) in Blairmore and will be carrying all the parts, tires, belts and some clothing to ensure that a breakdown won't hold up your vacation winter or summer. Stop in and check out Doug and Sherry's store!
After July 31st we are saying good bye to the Doublewide trailer and building a new cabin with 3 bedrooms, kitchen & livingroom in its spot! The Doublewide is for sale and must be gone by August 1st - the price is $10,000 and includes all the furniture and beds except for the double bunkbed and lamps. We have Dan & Sheila Hall of Countryside Homes out of Cranbrook who will break it apart, seal it, move it, block and brace it and put it together for under $10,000 depending on the new site location and within 150 miles or you are welcome to find another mover. This is priced to move!
Sorry I have been lax on blogging. Tis the season to dirt bike, quad, fish, hunt, snowmobile, ride horses and even golf all in the same weekend! Cheers!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Snow Report: April 3/10
Curt has broke his thumb in 3 places out cross country skiing with Len, Lisa and I for his second time ever.... so his sled season is over. Not good for me to have him wake up and go to sleep to snow falling out the window right now LOL.
Forecast is for snow all day and all night and then on and off between temps of 4 and -4 until flurries and 5-10cm forecasted for Friday. You can scout out a lot of great stuff this time of year and still get stuck in the trees. Spring riding is still really good and you can check off the "rode in April" box on your sled calendar. Happy Easter!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Snow Report: April 2/10
Well it has snowed on and off every day for the past three days and it was snowing this morning per the photo and is snowing again this evening. It has been cool (+3 to -5) enough that it is accumulating above 5500ft but pretty well melts away down here. Pulled our kids out of school to ski Fernie on Tues, Castle Mountain on Wed and Kimberley on Thurs and it snowed every day wherever we were.
Lots of great sledding out back still and our guys from Medicine Hat are going to stay another day!
Curt says BEWARE the lower elevation trails for x-country skiing though - pretty sketchy LOL!
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