Sunday, March 6, 2011

Snow Report: Mar 6/11 Top 5 Rides

EPIC, PHENOMENAL, UNBELIEVABLE and in Curt's words his TOP 5 Rides of ALL TIME.
Cooper and Curt left here in -16 and got to Corbin Staging at someone said +7 but it was at least +4 as it is this evening in Fernie! Instead of going to Limestone they went to Barnes Ranch with Boss, Blaine and Jay. Cut trail in from the McLatchie and said it was chest deep when they stepped off their sleds in places.
Second photo....Ever have your Dad tell you not to go into a spot, just stay over here...and then because you are so much like your Dad you go for the big fresh pow anyway ....and you get stuck so your Dad's buddy Boss goes in to help you saying you'd better listen to your Dad next time...and to teach you a lesson they make you get out the hard way....and so you jump the creek infront of you (third photo) and actually make it straight through the trees like they said you had to or you'd be in big trouble...where you Dad has the camera on you....ya...we've all done it just like Cooper in these two photos. LOL.
It was unanimously amazing. Today Boss and his crew went to Limestone and consensus was fantastic snow hardly touched - not wind blown. Said it was snowing a bit up there. Great. Was colder today though and never really warmed up like yesterday - warmer temps on their way and more snow for the weekend.
Our guests Cole and Reagan barely made it to top of the trail in Heartbreak - said the snow was sooooo deep and had a great time despite getting stuck. Jeanie - budding sledder and her hubby Lee checked out the Satoris trails in the Crowsnest and had a great time, met up with other sledders - will be back with their sledding kids! Roger I know you are wild looking at these photos knowing you aren't here til this weekend! We have two accomodations open....don't miss out on this snow! Cheers - V

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